Retroactive Pedals Diving Bell Delay Echo w Faux Pitch Bending Button
Retroactive Pedals Diving Bell Delay Echo w Faux Pitch Bending Button
The Diving Bell is a lo-fi delay/echo machine utilizing 2x PT2399 chips, suitable for a wide-range of sounds from psyche-rock, country chicken’ pickin slapback, to blown-out shoegaze on the verge of self-oscillating chaos.
Equipped with three controls:
Feedback – Dials in amount of feedback (capable of self-oscillation around 2 o’clock)
Mix - Dials in amount of wet signal from Delay chips
Spacing – Manipulates delay time(CCW shortest time between repeats, CW longest time between repeats)
“Tune” momentary switch instantly alters delay speed for pitch bending qualities
“Slap” switch changes repeat type to faster repeats for echo and chicken pickin settings.
We ship same day so you get your gear fast!Hope you snag this one up from us!!